Apa sampeyan ngerti "4 fungsi dhasar" ban motor


Sepedha motor ora bisa mlaku tanpa ban, meh tanpa istimewane, meh kabeh motor mbutuhakeban. Sepira sampeyan ngerti babagan ban sing penting?
1. Ndhukung bobot lan beban awak mobil: Ndhukung bobot awak mobil, personel, barang, lan liya-liyane, umume nggunakake volume udara lan tekanan ingbankanggo ndhukung bobot lan beban awak mobil, mula penting banget kanggo njaga tekanan udara internal sing pas.
2. Pangiriman tenaga penggerak lan tenaga pengereman: Supaya mobil maju utawa mandheg, sampeyan kudu ngirim tenaga mesin lan rem menyang dalan. Iki utamane liwat gesekan karet ban. Rawan kanggo idling lan skidding, sing mbebayani banget.

3. Ganti lan jaga arah mobil: Mobil muter ing arah sing dipengini utawa terus mlaku ing garis lurus ing sangisor kendharaan. Fungsi iki biasane ditindakake liwat gesekan lan elastisitasban rubber and the firmness of the ban structure. Once the speed is over when turning If you quickly exceed the limit of the ban, you will not be able to go in the direction you want to turn, which is very dangerous, so please pay attention to the speed when riding.

4. Alleviate the impact from the road surface: This is the so-called "driving comfort" performance, which can alleviate the bumpy impact caused by the uneven road surface. This function is mainly through the air volume and pressure in the ban, the elasticity of the rubber, and the structure of the ban. Elastic, so the ban pressure is too high or too low will not work, please maintain the appropriate banmeksa

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